kNOWledge is the poWEr

Changing World

Predictions of 2016

According to one of the most known and quite respected (at least in some circles) modern visionaries of our times, K. Jackowski claims as follows (prediction done in first days of 2016), that:
  1. Many roots of future major conflicts took place in 2015. Critical is a situation in Syria and outlook of extremely opposing interest forces of NATO and Russia.
  2. However, according to him, there will be more surprising event of development of third critical element, which will decide about fate of Europe and the world. The force is unstoppable, apart from events of Europe Islamization or Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. 3-4 attacks will change position of Europe.
  3. 2016 suppose to be a beginning of complex process of war-peace waging. It is initial year for development of WWIII which is having completely different character than WWII or WWI. Humanity is having many tendencies to create manufactured global war.
  4. There will be block of countries like Hungary, Slovakia, Czech and Poland opposing strongly against Western Europe. EU will be taking political revenge.
  5. Chaos of immigration is planned and controlled. It is war plan.
  6. Possible revolution, masses of people, connection with Germany. Abolished government somewhere in Europe.
  7. NATO is getting ready for mobilization. Greek and Turkish regions are involved.
  8. In USA, presidential campaign won’t be won by a woman. Hilary Clinton won’t be a president.
  9. European Union leaders know that mass immigration is only a phase which leads to more catastrophic events in future.
  10. “People will be afraid to breathe”
             There are only some quoted examples of visions. Years 2016/2017 will be a symbol of DIVISION.
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